Businessman J.D. Wilson Electrifies Mackinac Leadership Conference
Outsider conservative for GOP
nomination stood out in the Michigan open seat race with a rock strong platform
to stop Joe Biden’s inflation and out of control spending “Dead in its Tracks,”
crack down on crime and illegal immigration, and re-shore jobs from China back
to Michigan.
Houghton Lake
Heights businessman J.D. Wilson recently delivered a strong speech to the
attendees of the annual Mackinac Leadership Conference and continues to
build on the momentum coming out of the event.
conservatives in our state want a fresh face and a fighter to take on and clean
up Joe Biden’s and Elissa Slotkin’s radical left wing
mess,” stated Wilson. “I will be that fighter.” Wilson’s
foundational pledge to stop the Biden democratic agenda “Dead in its Tracks”
has helped build energy and activist support in the beginning phase of the race
to reclaim this critical open seat for Michigan Republicans.
“The citizens
of Michigan do not deserve the inflationary punishment that Joe Biden and
Elissa Slotkin have delivered to them every day at the grocery store and the
gas pump since they took office,” said Wilson. “They have failed
us. Michigan needs a voice to represent our working families and stop
their war on the middle class. By sending me to the U.S. Senate from
Michigan instead of another recycled career politician, I will battle every day
to end the Biden era of failure and fight for a positive agenda of lowering
inflation, re-shoring jobs to Michigan from China, crushing the Washington
bureaucracy and cracking down on crime.”
Republicans are looking for a fresh face with courage and new ideas to move
Michigan into the future. J.D. Wilson, a newcomer to running for office,
has a compelling life story and a focus on critically important issues and
values that contrasts with the failed career
politicians of both parties.
An early leader in the technological revolution, Jeff (J.D.) Wilson was
born in Southfield and raised in Lansing, Michigan. He graduated from Lansing
Eastern high school in 1984. Afterwards, J.D. attended Michigan State
University where his abilities to identify the future utilization of technology
grew beyond traditional educational methods. In April of 1994, J.D.
launched his IT career for Compuware Corporation, assigned to State of Michigan
PROJECT MAIN where he participated in the modernization of Michigan’s statewide
accounting and procurement systems.
J.D. Wilson is a devoted
family man who has successfully raised four wonderful boys into now young
men with his loving wife Lynda.