January 18,
J.D. Wilson Unveils Funding Plan for Generational National Mental
Health Initiative after Iowa School Shooting.
calls for end to Cannabis prohibition with full federal legalization and
accompanying banking reforms to deliver federal resources to where they are
needed for schools, law enforcement and research to protect school children and
address this epidemic that affects millions of Americans.
Michigan businessman and candidate
for United States Senate J.D. Wilson today announced his promised funding
component that he would support to pay for a federal initiative to address the
mental health crisis facing our nation.
The recent school shooting in Iowa once again brought into the homes of
every day Americans the price of inaction on an issue that encompasses so many
problems we face including fentanyl overdoses, veteran PTSD and homelessness.
“I fully support ending the
failed prohibition of cannabis and believe it is time for federal regulation,
licensing and taxation. To fully address
problems like mental health we must do everything possible to use sound
financial policies to pay for them.
Legalization of cannabis is a way to accomplish that goal and has the
added benefit of having already been utilized medicinally to address some of
these issues already, in particular, veterans who have returned home with Post
Traumatic Stress Disorder after serving in combat.”
Wilson began laying out his
vision for potential legislation that he would support if he is elected to the
United States Senate from Michigan in November.
He will continue to address this issue as the campaign moves forward.
- Securing our children and teachers by
increasing their security and support specific grant programs to allow
local schools to help pay for on-site police officers, increased
counseling for youth and security hardening of school sites.
- Support a full public
awareness campaign on mental health that is a required regulation and
financial requirement for big media companies as a condition of their
federal licensing requirements.
- Specifically block grant to states adding resources to those who expand
health coverage to cover mental health counseling and addiction services. Every child under age 18 should have
- Reform banking laws to bring
the cannabis economy out of the shadows while also supporting a direct
federal excise tax on cannabis products targeted specifically to pay for
mental health.
- Direct grants to community
organizations that specialize in trauma counseling, especially for
veterans with PTSD and victims of sexual assault.
- Expanding research by NIH
and our universities to learn more about, and find ways to address and
cure, those suffering from these challenges. These must include deep research into
possible damage that social media and phone screen-time usage are having
on our kids and their mental health.
school shootings to veterans affected by PTSD, we must have a national strategy
that is build on a foundation of school and public safety, increasing awareness
and diagnostic tools and access to treatment-all with the accompanying and
appropriate funding streams necessary to start reversing the negative trends,”
stated Wilson. “We all know the funding
is the essential component and I am out front and leading the way on this
issue. I solve problems. Politicians don’t.”
An early leader in the technological revolution, Jeff (J.D.)
Wilson was born in Southfield and raised in Lansing, Michigan. He graduated
from Lansing Eastern high school in 1984. Afterwards, J.D. attended Michigan
State University where his abilities to identify the future utilization of
technology grew beyond traditional educational methods. In April of 1994, J.D. launched his IT career
for Compuware Corporation, assigned to State of Michigan PROJECT MAIN where he
participated in the modernization of Michigan’s statewide accounting and
procurement systems.